Family run proves popular

If there is one thing that is becoming more noticeable each year when we attend Crick Boat Show is that it is seems to be the independent, family run marinas attracting an increase in interest, which is great to see. For us Crick Boat Show is THE EVENT of the year,, and the wonderful thing about Crick apart from meeting potential moorers of course, is that it allows us to network with all the other like minded marinas, i.e. small independent and family run - and it is then we suddenly realise how much we all have in common - it is the personal touch and care that boaters seem to be appreciating. Admittedly we are the newest kids on the block (even though we have been operating for 7 years now), but our aspirations to follow in our fellow family run marinas’ successful footsteps have never been so strong.. So we have returned from an awesome Crick feeling hugely buoyed up indeed and very optimistic about the future.

Oh yes as ever a few thank yous - We would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who paid us a visit and also to our fellow independent marina operators (for being so patient with our endless questions!) and most of all to the fabulous folks on our neighbouring stands - my goodness didn’t we have such fun, and it was good to see them all so busy too. Good luck and see you next year. Same place, same time. And if you haven’t ever been it is well worth a visit.

Debbie Skinner