Water water everywhere ...... well there will be very soon

drone_picture_of White_Mills_Marina

When the weather has permitted the last couple of weeks on the marina site has seen Land and Water hard at work with machines galore compacting the clay down either side of the marina walls to prevent any leaks.  It has been quite a testing and frustrating time, because thanks to the intermittent rain just as the clay dried out to the correct moisture content for it to be effective, it rained again.  However, I am glad to say that all is now well, the compacting has nearly finished and we will soon be ready to cut through.  Hurrah!

As soon as we have a date and a time when Land and Water are planning this momentous event (which should be within the next two weeks), then it will be posted up on this website.  The filling up of the actual marina basin is expected to take around two or three days, so it will be fascinating to watch. 

We have just come back from a lovely afternoon at the marina, where we have been planting daffodils along the bank to bring a splash of colour in the Spring. John has been strimming away to make the bank look neat and tidy for when we cut through too so all in all its looking very smart indeed.   What was particularly nice about this afternoon, was the number of walkers stopping and looking and watching the marina progress. Of course we just had to stop what we were doing to have a chat! 

Debbie Skinner